Choose eco-friendly packaging

If You deciding to shop online, remember about our environment. Try to choose companies that pack their products in biodegradable packaging. Stepbypet.pl focuses on mother Earth, which is why we have completely eliminated plastic packaging! We will deliver our  products packed in paper, cardboard or glass, which you can reuse.


Reuse packaging

Give a second life to glass bottles and jars, DIY a cardboard box for homemade knick-knacks. Upcycling is an economical and creative way to find new uses for old items. You can use cardboard boxes during nosework games with your pet.


Recycle consciously

Segregation of garbage is becoming a habit for modern dog owners. You also start consciously segregating waste and packaging. Our packaging is 100% recyclable. If you want to learn more about how to recycle consciously, please contact us!

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