The purchased product can be returned within 14 days from the date of product release, without giving any reason. Proof of purchase must be attached to the returned product. Returned products cannot have detached tags or bear any traces of use. The cost of shipping with the returned product is borne by the buyer.

The refund will be made in the same form in which the payment was made, after accepting the return, within 3 days from the date of delivery of the package to the company's headquarters.

The buyer is not entitled to a return in the case of products made to individual order. Returned products together with the return form should be sent to the following address:

STEPBYPET.PL, ul. Poselska 20/26, 42-200 Częstochowa with the note "returns"

Download return form (.pdf)


If you wish to exchange an item, please proceed with returning the unwanted item and create a new order.

You will receive a confirmation email as soon as the returned item arrives at our warehouse. Depending on your chosen method of payment, the reimbursement should take no more than 5 business days. Please contact us if this has not taken place at along with your order number.


Any complaints should contain the following information:

  • the name of the advertised item
  • the reason for the complaint with an exact indication of the damage
  • a proof of purchase
  • contact details of the complainant (address, e-mail address, telephone number)

Complaints will be considered within 14 business days from the date of receipt of the notification. The answer will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application.

Download the complaint form (.pdf)

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